01- Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular 23- Human toxin
02- Gastrointestinal function24- Heavy Metal
03- Large Intestine function25- Basic physical quality
04- Liver function26- Allergy
05- Gallbladder function27- Obesity
06- Pancreatic function28- skin
07- Kidney function29- eye
08- Lung function30- collagen
09- Brain nerve31- Channels and collaterals
10- Bone disease32- Pulse of heart and brain

11- Bone mineral density

33- Blood lipids
12- Rheumatoid bone disease34- prostata
13- Bone Growth Index35- Funzione sessuale maschile
14- Blood sugar36- Sperm and semen
15- Trace element37- Element of Human
16- Vitamin38- Expert analysis
17- Amino Acid39- hand analysis
18- Coenzyme40- Compositive report
19- Fatty acid test 
20- Endocrine System 
21- Immune System 
22- thyroid


Dettagli del rapporto femminile

01- Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular23- Human toxin
02- Gastrointestinal function24- Heavy Metal
03- Large Intestine function25- Basic physical quality
04- Liver function26- Allergy
05- Gallbladder function27- Obesity
06- Pancreatic function28- skin
07- Kidney function29- eye
08- Lung function30- collagen
09- Brain nerve31- Channels and collaterals
10- Bone disease32- Pulse of heart and brain
11- Bone mineral density33- Blood lipids
12- Rheumatoid bone disease34- Ginecologia
13- Bone Growth Index35- seno
14- Blood sugar36- Ciclo mestruale
15- Trace element37- Element of Human
16- Vitamin38- Expert analysis
17- Amino Acid39- hand analysis
18- Coenzyme40- Compositive report
19- Fatty acid test 
20- Endocrine System 
21- Immune System 
22- thyroid


Child report detaill (2-12 years old)

01- Trace Element4- Coenzyme
02- Vitamin5- Fatty Acid
03- Amino Acid6- ADHD