Quantum Therapy Analyzer Uses
What is a Quantum Therapy Analyzer?
Quantum Therapy Analyzer Uses Quantum Therapy Analyzer is a device that evaluates the body’s health by analyzing electromagnetic frequencies. By holding sensors, it collects data from various body systems within minutes, providing insights into organ health and potential future conditions.
How Does It Work?
analyzer detects the body’s weak magnetic fields, offering a quick and confidential health assessment. It utilizes advanced electronic equipment to assess body health through these weak magnetic fields.
Common Uses of Quantum Therapy Analyzers
- Health Assessment: Determines the current health of organs and predicts their future well-being.
- Early Detection: Helps uncover the onset of major diseases before obvious symptoms appear.
- Personalized Recommendations: Provides dietary and lifestyle suggestions based on the analysis.
MAIKONG CO.LTD’s Quantum Therapy Analyzer Specifications
Our Quantum Therapy Analyzers are designed with the following specifications:
Specification | Details |
Model | MK-Quantum Therapy Analyzer |
Weight | 2.5 kg |
Dimensions | 34.0 cm x 26.0 cm x 12.0 cm |
Software Version | 3.9 |
Test Reports | 41 |
Accuracy | 90% |
Languages Supported | English, Spanish, French, Vietnamese, Thai, Portuguese |
System Compatibility | Win2K/XP/2003/Vista/Win7 (32-bit and 64-bit) |
Packaging and Accessories
Our products come with the following packaging and accessories:
Item | Quantity |
Main Device | 1 |
USB Cable | 1 |
User Manual | 1 |
Software Installation CD | 1 |
Warranty Card | 1 |
Software Features
Our software supports multiple languages and provides comprehensive reports:
Feature | Details |
Supported Languages | English, Spanish, French, Vietnamese, Thai, Portuguese |
Number of Reports | 41 |
Report Categories | Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal, Liver Function, Kidney Function, etc. |
Our Services
We offer OEM/ODM services, customizing packaging, appearance, and startup software logos according to customer requirements.
Shipping Information
After receiving payment, we ship within 3-7 days. Delivery via UPS/DHL/FEDEX typically takes 7-9 days.
Interested in Becoming a Distributor?
If you’re interested in becoming a MAIKONG distributor, reseller, or inquiring about wholesale prices, please contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How accurate is the Quantum Therapy Analyzer?Our analyzer has an accuracy rate of 90%.
- How long does a typical analysis take?The analysis is completed within minutes.
- Is the device user-friendly?Yes, it comes with a user manual and is designed for easy operation.
- Can the software be customized?Yes, we offer customization services for the software interface and reports.
- What kind of reports does the analyzer generate?It generates reports on various body systems, including cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, liver function, and kidney function.
- Is training provided for using the device?We provide comprehensive user manuals and online support for training purposes.
- What is the warranty period for the device?The device comes with a 2-year warranty.
For a visual demonstration of how to use the Quantum Therapy Analyzer, you can watch the following video:
Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy | Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |